Monday, October 25, 2010

Coffee Strong

Coffee Strong
Veteran-owned and operated GI coffeehouse
Lakewood, Washington
October 16 1pm

20 in the audience, 8 veterans all male, 12 family members and barristas. All of the vets came up to me after the show and thanked me. One, who had been in Vietnam, cried and hugged me.


So moving – gut wrenching – wish that it could be performed at all high schools. Performance was amazing.

Brings back memories of ‘Nam.

The powerfully crafted voices are moving, chilling, heavy revealing and, above all things, sacred. Thank you for your passion. I am haunted, saddened, informed and very thankful to hear these stories.

Well portraited. The monologue covers actual accounts of feelings and thought. I wasn’t difficult to fall into her visions in each story. Thank you for the delivery.

Thank you! You touched many parts of my soul and my memory. There’s a lot of pain and healing- still searching for a path after all these years.

I’m humbled. Thanks for your courage to do what scares you and showing the way. I am a therapist with no military background, drawn to be present to help soldiers return. Thanks for your portrayals of the truth of war.


  1. It was amazing to see the visible reactions of the veterans in the audience. The haunting words of these women elicit such vivid imagery, it was impossible not to be moved, sometimes, to tears, and occasionally, to laughter.

  2. I love that the male vets stayed! I want to thank them for being willing and open to hearing the stories. One of the hardest groups to get to pay attention to the voice of female vets are the males. I wish I could have been there :)
